Newborn Cam 2010.
Four year old Cam (same pink dog too).
bath time
Along came brother...
Playing dress up.
Cam threw herself on the bed saying, "I wish I was Sleeping Beauty. I wish I was Sleeping Beauty"...
This week I photographed these adorable kiddos, we had so much fun! Lucky for me this in not the first time I’ve worked with this adorable family. In the past I think I’ve referred to them as The Sunshine Family (it was a coloring book I had as a child). Not only have they been wonderful clients but they referred me another families I’ve loved, loved working with!!
When I was gathering props for their session I realized I still had a basket we placed Cam in when she was a newborn. She is now an adorable four year old with a two year old brother. Walking in to be reintroduced to them, I felt as they took to me like I had been there yesterday. Sweet Cam shared her breakfast with me and Lil’ Guy picked half Mom’s potted plant trying to give me a flower.
As you can see we had a very successful session. The kiddos were so good, I didn’t realize how many photos I had taken of them. There is such a difference when photographing adults compared to photographing kids. When I leave a session like this I’m so wiped out (usually pretty hungry too). But while I’m there I am so caught up in the moment and everything these innocent little creatures have to say and share with me nothing else matters. Working with children is truly something to be cherished and I will always be grateful for.
Occasionally I get asked what type of session is my favorite, wedding, kids, adults etc. Genuinely can not say I have a favorite, all offer me something distinctly different. I will say my clients, big and small are part of what makes my life so satisfying.
**PS if you know this family don't mention the photos to Daddy, they are a surprise!**